For the mechanical layout it was opted to use a differential steer setup with two individually driven BLDC hub motors on the rear and a single freewheeling jockey wheel at the front. The differential steer layout offers simplicity, agility and allows for a compact overall design - as can be seen in the image below. The layout below also shows the basic positioning of the three individual cutter motors/blades (red circles) and the forward-facing Lidar.
With the mechanical designing having been somewhat constrained the core sensors and actuators could be considered - these are listed below:
Next stage was to define the electronics architecture. This was split into three separate modules, which are as follows:
These are represented as follows:
As outlined above, the "Positioning & Comms Module" is the core navigational sensor on the "rover", it will provide cm level positional accuracy(+-2.5cm) through RTK GNSS and magnetometer heading angle. For RTK GNSS to work, it requires a continues stream of correction data to be sent from a fixed known location (base station) to the "rover" so some form of wireless communication required to relay this information on. The key components that have been chosen for this module are:
PCB imported into Solidworks to double checked component clearances to enclosure- See interactive 3D model of PCB and Cinch Enclosure.
Assembled PCB and Connector. Started testing of U-blox neo M8P on the Positioning & Comms PCB using U-blox U-Centre connected through USB
Still in progress, more to be added soon!