3 Feb 2019

Summary of Personal Projects

House Renovations

Date: 2015-2019

I bought a house in Palmerston North mid 2015 and have been doing a number of renovations to it over this period. I'm currently busy renovating the bathroom.

Robotic Lawn Mower v2.0

Date: 2018-Ongoing

This project was a continuation of the robotic lawn mover v1.0, with many learnings from years of industry experience. This makes use of the most recent developments in low cost RTK GNSS receivers from Ublox. I have started documenting this in more detail here

Automated MTB Map Holder

Date: 2013-2014

For Mountain Bike Orienteering and Adventure racing you often use what is known as "Map Holder" (see left most image) which is essentially a mechanical mechanism that holds maps and allows you to rotate the map to keep the map facing north. The idea of this project was to Electromechanical control the map holder to always stay facing north. To do this I used a magnetometer (sense magnetic north) and a stepper motor to rotate the map to stay facing north

Electroluminescent Driver

Date: 2013

This project used a 3.7V (Li-Po) input and stepped it up to 60V square wave AC. It used custom buck boost with a H – Bridge to generate the AC .

Final Year Uni Project

Robotic Lawn Mower v1.0

Date: 2010

During my second year Uni summer break, I had started a robotic lawn mower project. This involved designing and building 2 x 200W H-Bridges as well as designing and building a sub frame around an existing lawn mower.

Engine Dyno

Date: 2005-2006

This was a project to build a test bench for testing our kart racing engines. It was designed to be an inertia-based dyno, using two old truck flywheels as its accelerating inertia. Using the equation τ = Iα the torque could be calculated. Using RPM and torque, power can be calculated .

Enclosed Kart Racing Trailer

Date: 2004

This was designed and built by my brother(12y) and I(14y) to carry two karts + spare parts. The images below show the trailer bare frame prior to it being enclosed

Radio-Controlled Model aeroplane

Date: 2001-2002

Built an ethanol-powered radio-controlled model airplane from a kitset (11y).

